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Algebraic geometry

Fabrizio Catanese works on algebraic geometry and complex geometry.
His main contributions have been to the field of algebraic surfaces, especially classification and moduli spaces of surfaces of general type, and of higher dimensional complex manifolds.
In his work he uses a variety of methods, ranging from projective geometry, commutative and homological algebra, group theory, topology, complex analysis and differential geometry.
He has also given important contributions to periodic meromorphic functions, Einstein metrics, real algebraic geometry, differentiable structures, topology of algebraic varieties, topology of moduli spaces of curves with automorphisms, uniformization questions.
  • 2001: Visiting Professor, Florida State University, Tallahasse
  • 1994 : Visiting Professor, ICTP Trieste
  • 1990 - 1991 : Visiting Professor, ETH Zurich
  • 1988 : Visiting Professor, Max Plank Institute Bonn
  • 1987 : Visiting Professor, Columbia University
  • 1986 : Visiting Professor, University of California San Diego
  • 1981 - 1982 : Visiting Professor, IAS Princeton
  • 1977 - 1978 : Visiting professor, Harvard University
  • 2001- present : Chair of Algebraic Geometry, Universit¨at Bayreuth
  • 1997 - 2001 : Chair of Complex Analysis (Gauss Chair), Universit¨at G¨ottingen
  • 1980 - 1997 : Chair of Geometry, University of Pisa
  • 1976 - 1980 : Associate professor, University of Pisa
  • Member of the Academia Aeuropea since 2015
  • National Member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei since 2013
  • Director of the CIRM Trento (2005-2011)
  • Ordinary Member of the Akademie der Wissenschaften G¨ottingen since 2000
  • Corresponding Member of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei since 1998
  • Ordine del Cherubino of the University of Pisa (1995)
  • Golden Medal of the Societa’ Italiana delle Scienze (1993)
  • Bartolozzi Prize (1984)
  • Prize of the Italian Mathematical Society (1974)
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  • , Korea Institute for Advanced Study
  • 85 Hoegiro Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 02455, Republic of Korea.