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Quantum Universe Center

Park, Hyunggyu

QUC Distinguished Professor

Statistical Physics

Hyunggyu Park has a broad experience in investigating emergent properties of general many body systems, ranging from classical magnetic systems, incommensurate systems, and quasicrystals to nonequilibrium stochastic complex systems. During the last decades, he focused on nonequilibrium phase transitions and critical phenomena and introduced several important concepts on how the system evolves into frozen states. Systems with frozen states show extensive applications from self-organized criticality to glassy systems with multiply degenerated ground states. Current interests include nonequilibrium fluctuation theorems, disordered systems, synchronization, ratchets, traffic flow, and networks.

2022 - present    QUC distinguished professor, Quantum Universe Center, KIAS

2002 - 2022       Professor, School of Physics, KIAS

2020 - 2021       Vice President, KIAS

2015 - 2017       Director of Quantum Universe Center, KIAS

2010 - 2012       Member of Basic Research Promotion Commission, National Science & Technology Council

2010 - 2012       Review Board Member, National Research Foundation of Korea

2009 - 2010       Visiting Professor, Department of Physics, University of Washington

2008 - 2009       Vice President, KIAS

2007 - 2007       Dean of Faculty, KIAS

2007 - 2009       Program Manager, Korea Research Foundation

2006 - 2008       Chair of Statistical Division of the Korean Physical Society

2003 - 2006       Chair of School of Physics and Steering Committee Member of KIAS

2001 - 2002       Professor, Department of Physics, Inha University

1999 - 2001       Chair of Department of Physics, Inha University

1998 - 1999       Visiting Scientist, Department of Physics, University of Washington

1996 - 2001       Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Inha University

1992 - 1996       Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Inha University

1990 - 1992       Research Associate, Department of Physics, Boston University (with Sidney Redner)

1988 - 1990       Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Physics, Carnegie Mellon University

                           (with Michael Widom)

1983 - 1988       Department of Physics, University of Washington, USA (PhD)

                           Universal finite-size-scaling amplitudes in two dimensional critical phenomena 

                           (advisor: Marcel den Nijs)

1982 - 1983       Department of Physics, University of California at Santa Cruz

1981 - 1982       military service (Korean army)

1979 - 1981       Department of Physics, Seoul National University, Korea (MS) Renormalization

                           group approach to Dyson’s hierarchical model

                           (advisor: Koo Chul Lee and Doochul Kim)

1975 - 1979       Department of Physics, Seoul National University, Korea (BS)

1986  Joseph H. Weis Prize at University of Washington

2008  Haksul (Science) award from the Korean Physical Society

2016  Seong-bong Physics (Grand Science) award from the Korean Physical Society

Publications at KIAS

Selected Publications

  • Office: 8416 / TEL) 82-2-958-3823 / FAX) 82-2-958-3786
  • Quantum Universe Center, Korea Institute for Advanced Study
  • 85 Hoegiro Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 02455, Republic of Korea.