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Dr. Kim, Seongyeon, Research Fellow of the School of Mathematics, Won the 2023 Excellence Award for Young Scientists from the KOFWST.

Dr. Kim, Seongyeon, Research Fellow of the School of Mathematics, Won the 2023 Excellence Award for Young Scientists from the Korea Federation Women's Science & Technology Associations (KOFWST).

She won the award in recognition of her achievements in new investigations into the regularity of elastic wave equations by solving the integrability of wave equations in the Wiener amalgam spaces for the first time in the world and presenting a methodology for harmonic analysis; and in mathematical investigations into the principles of adversarial training in deep learning with Fourier Transform and developing a new training algorithm of improved speed and accuracy.

Dr. Kim, Seongyeon stated that she felt honored to win the Excellence Award for Young Scientists. She commented that her studies on harmonic analysis applied to a range of academic fields, such as partial differential equations and deep learning, awakened her spirit of adventure and gave her a sense of accomplishment.

She also added that she will continue to grow as a female mathematician able to greatly contribute to the development of Korea’s science and technology by devoting herself to ambitious studies, reflecting the significance of the award.