Professor Hee Oh, KIAS Scholar of School of Mathematics, appointed as an Abel Committee member
The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters has appointed Prof. Hee Oh, a KIAS Scholar of the School of Mathematics, as one of the members of the Abel Committee, based on nominations from the International Mathematical Union and the European Mathematical Society. https://abelpri...2024-07-08
KIAS Scholar Hee Oh has been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Science
KIAS Scholar Hee Oh of School of Mathematics has been elected to the American Academy of Arts and Science in 2024. https://www.amacad.org/new-members-20242024-04-25
시민과 함께 과학 프로그램 – 은하형태 분류: 과학과 시민이 손을 잡다!
• 고등과학원 Open KIAS 센터 - 과학자와 시민이 함께 참여하는 ‘시민과 함께’ 과학 프로그램을 시작 • 과학 연구 과정에 시민이 직접 참여하는 기회를 제공 □ 고등과학원(원장 최재경) Open KIAS 센터에서는 과학자와 시민이 함께 참여할 수 있는 “시민과 함께 과학" 프로그램을 2월 5일부터 시작했다. 이 프로그램은 시민들이 과학 연구 프로젝트에 직접 참여하여 자료 생성 및 분석 작업을 할 수 있는 기회를 제공해 주는 것이다. 이 프로그램을 주도하고 있는 고등과학원 물리학부 박창범...2024-02-05
Professor Kim Sang-hyun of the School of Mathematics Won the Choi Seok Jeong Award
Professor Kim Sang-hyun of the School of Mathematics was selected as one of the winners of the Choi Seok Jeong Award 2023 by the Ministry of Science and ICT and the Korean Mathematical Society. This recognizes his contribution to the spread of mathematical culture in Korea through his intr...2023-11-27
Dr. Kim, Seongyeon, Research Fellow of the School of Mathematics, Won the 2023 Excellence Award for Young Scientists from the KOFWST.
Dr. Kim, Seongyeon, Research Fellow of the School of Mathematics, Won the 2023 Excellence Award for Young Scientists from the Korea Federation Women's Science & Technology Associations (KOFWST). She won the award in recognition of her achievements in new investigations into the regu...2023-11-16
[前 KAIST 총장 신성철] 고등과학원(KIAS) 개원 25주년 축사 메세지
KIAS 개원 25주년을 충심으로 축하합니다. KIAS 설립추진단장으로서 설립 초기의 여러 기억들을 회상하며 정말 세월이 유수와도 같다는 말이 실감 납니다. 한 기관이나 조직이 발전하기 위해서는 비전, 전략, 정신의 3가지 요소가 갖추어져야 한다고 생각합니다. KIAS 비전은 당시 과기처 장관이셨던 정근모 장관님께서 제시하셨습니다. 당시 우리나라 과학기술정책은 기술주도의 정책이었습니다. 그러나 한 나라의 과학이 꽃을 피우기 위해서는 기초과학 육성정책으로 패러다임을 전환해야 한다는 정 장...2023-09-11
Observation indicates that the Accelerated Expansion of the Universe is Driven by a Form of Quintessence!
Observation indicates that the Accelerated Expansion of the Universe is Driven by a Form of Quintessence! • The dark energy is observed not to be the cosmological constant or vacuum energy! • The concordance cosmological model is now discordant! • The 'standard' fla...2023-08-03
Prof. Choi, Kyeongsu receives the 2023 Asian Young Scientist Fellowship
Prof. Choi, Kyeongsu has been announced among the recipients of the “2023 Asian Young Scientist Fellowship (AYSF)”. AYSF aims to encourage and support young scientists in Asia to carry out creative and transformative research.2023-05-08
Prof. JongHae Keum receives the Order of Merit 'Changjo Medal'
Distinguished Prof. JongHae Keum has been named the recipient of the Order of Science and Technology Merit ‘Changjo Medal’. The medals are awarded to those who have significantly contributed to the progress of national science and technology.2023-05-04
The KIAS Springer Series in Mathematics
Springer Nature is pleased to announce the publication of its first book as part of its new book series: KIAS Springer Series in Mathematics. The KIAS Springer Series in Mathematics publishes original content in the form of high level research monographs, lecture notes, ...2023-01-25